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self care: essential vitamins

I am starting a self care series where I will be sharing information on how to take care of your body and health naturally.

Listed below are some fruits and vegetables containing essential vitamins & minerals that I try to eat on a weekly basis to ensure that I have a balanced diet. If I am having a busy week where I don't have time to keep track of what I'm eating, then I base it on how I'm feeling. For example, if I feel weak or sick, I will grab a banana or orange to get Vitamin B & C.

Vitamin A (for eyes and skin): carrots

Vitamin B (for energy production and immunity): bananas and potatoes

Vitamin C (for iron absorption & an anti-oxidant): orange, grapefruit, bell peppers

Vitamin D (for strong bones): eggs and fish

Vitamin E (for blood circulation): almonds and tomatoes

Vitamin K (for helping blood clot well): kale, spinach, broccoli

Folic Acid (for cell renewal & preventing birth defects): asparagus, broccoli, citrus fruits, lentils, corn

Calcium (for healthy teeth and strong bones): yogurt, milk, cheese

Iron (for building muscle & maintaining healthy blood): beans, lentils, spinach, liver

Zinc (for immunity, growth, fertility): cashews, beans, spinach, dark chocolate


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